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As a diabetic, Francisco Treviño is concerned that the Wal-Mart supermarket on Boca Chica Boulevard near his home does not carry the brand of apple he alleges has the least amount of sugar. “I have to drive out to the Wal-Mart on (7480 Padre Island Hwy.) to get Braeburn apples,” Treviño claims. “I’ve asked them for to get it for the past three to four months, but they still have not brought it in,” he added. According to the product’s nutritional information, Braeburn apples only have 17 grams of sugar per serving. “I just try and consume products that will help me,” Treviño said.
Who to call:
Wal-Mart on Boca Chica at (956) 544-0394.
What they said:
An assistant manager at the location, who refused to give his name, said the store does carry the apple, but it is not currently in stock. He said they would call the buyer on Monday to try and fix the problem.
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