THIS ARTICLE WAS PICKED UP BY The Monitor and The Island Breeze
Brownsville, Texas—The question of expanding Gladys Porter Zoo was more of a formality than a discussion item at the last City Commissioner meeting.
Mayor Pat Ahumada claimed “we’ll do it” at the July 3 meeting, before even hearing future plans for the land — the building of a new educational facility.
Zoo Director Patrick Burchfield and Assistant City Manager Carlos Ayala showed the area to be an abandoned Southern Pacific railroad track that ran in back of the zoo.
“It’s not a huge amount, but it would be valuable to them,” said City Manager Charlie Cabler.
The zoo asked for authorization to use the land and for the city to close off the E. 6th Street and S. Old Alice ends of the track.
“We’re working on doing an appraisal on the land soon,” Cabler said. After that, city officials will decide whether to donate the land or sell it to the zoo.
Closing off that area will allow the zoo to link it’s main grounds with a triangle-shaped area housing maintanance and breeding facilities, said Cynthia Garza Galvan, the zoo’s director of marketing.
The storage facility would then be relocated to make room for the South Texas Discovery Center, a place to learn about local wildlife, Burchfield said.
“It’s all a bit premature right now…just ideas and talking,” Galvan said about the project.
The center will share the are with El Torrito No.1 restaurant, currently at the lowest end of the triangle.
“We have no problem with the change, as long as it’s for the betterment of Brownsville,” said owner Karl Oakley.
Alfonso Cadriel, 47, has lived in front of the railroad track and next to the zoo his entire life.
He said he only has one problem with the change — an alley running between zoo grounds and his home.
“If they’re going to continue using it like a street, they better pave it,” he said.
“I’m afraid my boys might get hurt,” Cadriel said, referring to the 15-20 zoo employee vehicles that drive through there daily.
The Brownsville Herald
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